What terminal illness are covered on a Primerica Term Life Policy?

I have been quoted on a Term Life policy from Primerica and want to know what terminal illnesses are covered. Please no answers re scams/business opportunities etc. I have read all that, I have really done my homework, just can't find the answer to this one last question.

Terminal illness benefit is included in every Primerica life policy free of charge. This benefit becomes available when a physician diagnose you of having terminal illness and have a life expectancy of 6 months or less. It doesn't matter what cause the illness, if you are diagnose of having it, you can get this benefit.

By the way, Primerica life policies covers all types of deaths, except for suicide in the first 2 years. If you died in a war or by terrorist attack, Primerica will pay the death claim to your beneficiary. On September 11, 2001, Primerica paid all death claims, while many other life insurance companies refused or delay payment.

A life insurance policy covers you if you die. All illnesses that end in death are terminal illnesses (at least at the very end) and would be covered by just about any life insurance policy.

That being said I would recommend you do a little more homework. On my website you'll find a tool that requires no personal information to use that prices ~150 different insurance companies including Primerica and you'll see that they rarely show up in the top 50 as listed by cost. AND, since it's just a term policy you can (within reason) shop by price. Though you do want to make sure the policy is convertible to a permanent policy should you later decide you need coverage longer than anticipated but are uninsurable.

In short I usually can get someone about twice the coverage for the same price or the same coverage for half the price.

"Terminal illness benefit is included in every Primerica life policy free of charge."


Free, except the policy costs 50% more than most every other company.

"By the way, Primerica life policies covers all types of deaths, except for suicide in the first 2 years. If you died in a war or by terrorist attack, Primerica will pay the death claim to your beneficiary. On September 11, 2001, Primerica paid all death claims, while many other life insurance companies refused or delay payment."

Can you please site proof of ANY company that didn't pay out after 9/11? LOL
(I love the PFS BS)

They ALL are - as long as the policy has been in effect past the contestable phase, and you didn't lie on your application.

What you want to do, is read the EXCLUSIONS. What types of death they DON'T cover. Typically, it would be war.

All terminal illnesses are covered, up to 60% of the total coverage amount can be received before