Anyone check their creditkarma score regularly ?

Mine hasn't moved in 3-4 months. Im stuck at 769.

Just curious if its just me ?


PS, My other free score, Quizzle was only 703 which is a wider range than I expected. Both, however, have me in the top 15%.

Both scores supposedly come from transunion so go figure.

(Im not willing to PAY for a credit score or even sign up for those free & cancel deals)

Why would you check something regularly which is not even the score (FICO) that a lender uses? You *think* you have a score in the 700's...but what if you are only working with a high 600? LOL

The reason you are getting a huge gap between the 2, is because those are not your credit score. They are only guestimates based on what you tell the web site. For all you know, there could be erroneous or old info on your report that is bringing your true score lower. Or, you may actually have a higher score.

Your FICO score costs under $10. You don't have to sign up for any credit monitoring or other baloney. If you are that interested in keeping tabs on your score, go buy it from FICO.