i've received a rebate card that is a prepaid visa card. the card itself says debit but i remember there was a note saying that it should be used as credit. i've tried doing that but it doesnt work at gas stations. what should i do
You can use the card at any gas station INSIDE ONLY! If you put it into the pump, it will never work for you. Using any debit card in a gas pump is stupid because they put a large block in the system ($75 - $100) and it can take up to 2 weeks to clear. Seriously! If you expect only the amount you have put on the card is your purchase, you will be screwed by the system. It will drop down to the purchase amount at a later time but, until it does, the entire amount of the block will be unavailable on your card. Using it inside will only charge the purchase amount.
It's probably not working because most of those gas stations will put an authorization charge on the card for about 75.00 if you don't have 75.00 on the card it will decline it. You need to go into the store and have the cashier enter the amount of gas you want to use.