How would i find out if i had CCJs?

Im wondering if they could be issued without the creditor knowing my current address and what would happen there as i wouldnt recieve any letters

CCJ's cannot be issued unless the Claimant knows your address for the Court to send you papers informing you of a claim against you.The papers include a form asking if you admit to the claim, or dispute it. If you admit it, then the court wants certain information as to your means to pay any debt, and if so, what arrangement you want to repay the amount. however, if you dispute the claim, then you will be given a date to attend the court to put your reason for disputing the claim. It is a very Informal Court, not like a Criminal one.

Pull your credit report and look under the Public Records section. If there are any judgments they should be listed there. Also check with your local courthouse. is the real free site to check your credit file for free once a year without a credit card. - NOT -
Many debt collector attorneys have no moral problems with serving a summons to an address that is known to be incorrect, like a previous address....This guarantees a no show in court for the person being summoned...and the collection attorneys get their beloved default judgements.

lawsuits are supposed to be filed in the county where the contract was signed. swome states have your court records on the internet.
if they dont call the clerk of courts in every county you have lived in and ask them.
judgements might also be on your credit report.
some collectors have been known to sue in their state and not yours.
its probably not legal but ive heard it happens.