What if my employer doesn't use my medical with-holdings from my check to pay for the policy?

I just received a letter from Anthem stating their thanks for our business but my insurance benefits were terminated on 8/31/2009.
It is now 10/28/2009! I have proof the money was be deducted from my paychecks. I am now stuck with bills from September. Is this legal for the employer to do? Just last week I lost my job from them and now I am wondering if money is the reason I was let go? Where should I go from here?

Call Anthem and ask them if your employer paid for medical insurance for all employees or if they did not pay yours only. I find it odd that you just get a letter from them 2 months later rather than in September since it was terminated 8/31; Sometimes the amount deducted is for past insurance. So all premiums taken out for September would be paid for August insurance. But that would not account for premiums deducted for the 3 weeks in October, since in that case should have covered September.

Then contact the labor board after you talk to Anthem. You can also contact a employment attorney for your rights. But if this employer is in financial straits and trying to cut corners by not paying for the health insurance of his employees, it is only a matter of time before he will not be able to make the payroll of the employees who are still there.

good luck

No, this isn't legal. You would file your complaint with the OH Labor Board.

I'd suggest it's not why you were let go - once an employer can't pay the monthly insurance bill, it's not very long before they can't make payroll. Even if you sue them - and you'd win - they'll probably be bankrupt and out of business before the court date came up.

wow, tough situation

yes, it is possible that the company was not paying the insurance premium and now the doctors are looking to get money from you

contact the attorney general in your state. the company is responsible and it needs to be stated so they dont come after you

Tell your employer you want that money reimbursed since they did not pay the bill.

If you need help contact your state's Labor Board. You might post what state your in for a referral.