How do you stand out in resumes/cover letters?

The unemployment rate isn't too bad where I live, but I'd like to know how you've successfully stood out in your resume/cover letter to get a job? It seems like the old "I'm the ideal candidate and here's why" doesn't fly anymore, especially if everybody and their brother is doing it. Any advice?

It's hard work but the best way is to actually tailor your CV to every single job for which you apply. Have a standard, master, CV but when you apply for any given job take out the parts of your CV that don't dovetail into the experience sought by the prospective employer and, so much more importantly, elaborate the parts of your CV which do have the experience sought. You can even go as far as using the same terminology as is used in the job ad. This will instantly make the recipient remark how suitable you look for the role.

I've hardly read any of the 300-400 cover letters that are presently collecting dust in our backroom....It won't matter unless you are able to somehow meet and hand it to the hiring mgr....

Have your stuff printed on fancy resume paper.