how much do they make a year for it to be considered high
In 2007, the median annual income (per working person) was $26,036, although that includes a lot of people that were working part-time. The median annual income for a household (which often includes 2 people working) was $50,233. I would consider a high salary 2 times $50,233, or about $100,000 a year. However some people would multiple by 1.5 to get $75,000 a year. There is no agreed upon definition of what is a high salary. I will say $100,000 a year (approximately 50 dollars an hour) as my crude rule.
Sorry but you're question is hard to understand. What is considered a high salary by me may not be high to you. I make around 215,000 dollars a year. The average person would consider me very wealthy. Although if you make over a million a year then 240 would be chump change to you. The average american only makes between 30-60 thousand a year. So i'm doing pretty good. I think anything over 75,000 and you're in good shape. Hope this helped. Bye
More than me.