Is it possible to somehow get my money back from something I bought online? I'm starting to feel that the seller is fake, and probably won't get me my item, What should I do? It's still pending in my bank account, but I also bought it through PayPal.
Well, you honestly have 3 true options. The first option, and the one that is most preferable to your bank and Paypal, is to attempt to resolve the issue through the merchant. Being that this does not seem to be the case for you, your second best option is to contact Paypal, as they have a dispute resolution process through which to get your money back. It takes time, but being that it is through Paypal, they may be able to process it more quickly if you have a convincing case. Your final option is to go through your back, and process what is called a "Regulation E" claim, which is basically a claim for fraud through any type of electronic (i.e. your debit card) transaction. This will eventually lead to a chargeback of your purchase to the merchant, and you will get your money back. The entire process can take about 2 weeks to a month, for either method. I hope this helps!
Call up paypal's 800 number and talk to them
cancel through bank