My credit union approved me to refinance my vehicle for 3 years at 2.9% for a max of $25, 750.00. I owe $29,000.00. I will have to come up with the difference of $4000.00 which I only have $1000.00 of. I can take it off of one of my cards at 0% interest till 2010 and pay it off in 3 months. My question is is that wise? My current rate is 7.9% on the vehicle. When I bought it a year ago my score was much lower then it is now. Any thoughts?
You're move isn't wise at all. You've essentially compounded the situation. The best thing is to pay extra and retire this loan ASAP. GEt mad, get another job, sell stuff, get madder, get it done.
Auto Loan Refinance Question?
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