After activating it, I went to use it at wal-mart today and the card wouldn't work. I had to use something else to get my stuff.
My receipt reads " payment declined--reason no 5" What does that mean?
Now, if I remembered the correct PIN (99% sure I did) and I have plenty of money in the account the card's for...why didn't it work?
Does Wal-mart not accept MasterCard?
Oh...I tried the card 2x's: under Credit and then debit and both times their machine required I put in a PIN and I got the message above.
~~I would take the card to your nearest branch. It could be a problem with the magnetic bar. If not, maybe you have the incorrect pin code, and a teller can help you set up another. They are open on Saturdays.~~
Depending on the kind of account you have with Chase, you could have a preset spending limit per day. My roommate can not use more than $400 per day through ATM's or POS. Also, if he does not have at least $100 more than he is trying to check out on a POS, it will decline. If he is buying $200 worth of stuff, he has to have a balance at least $300 or it will deny. Definitely check with Chase, they will be the only ones who can answer it definitively.
Walmart accepts all major cards.
On the back of your card is a customer service number.
Call that number and if you can't get a human being on the line immediately push either Zero, Star or Pound sign on your phone.
Usually one of those will send your call to a real life operator.
You will probably need to have your bank account number and/or PIN number ready to identify yourself.
Sorry... only your bank knows why it did not work.
you should tried credit again and yes the POS terminal will ask you for a pin but there is usually another button that say ""Cancel" ) and the POS terminal screen will go to credit.
or you could ask the clerk how do I pay with credit they know the routine
and worst case most cashier can always enter the card number in manually as well
Call your bank. They will be able to tell you the problem.
Of course Walmart takes Mastercard.
Help with new WaMU Chase debit card?
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