Because i have to interview a person i known since high school and she used to make fun of me on the bus and crack jokes about me because i was skinny and didnt have much friends and she was the popular one. Now i'm a Regional Manager for Costco Stores and she is applying for a job in my headquarters as an buyer.. She used to call me bad names to make people laugh at me.. She hasnt been working for 7 months and now i'm going to stick it to her when she see's me!! I'm not giving her the Job even though i will go through the interview like i just met her for the first time. No small talk like hey i remember you or anything, just straight interview and leave.. I cant have a person in my office area that give me hell in high school work with me.. Do you think this is wrong? I just want to see the look on her face when she see's me!
You have answered your question. But use common sense if you feel that she is the right candidate for the job then hire her. Remember people move from job to job.
How do you do an job interview with a woman applying for a job that turned you down in the past?
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