I've been feuding with my current roommate about her bad decision making and I keep having doubts about us living together another 12 months. Here is the story.
I decided I don't want to live a college life anymore- and escape the horrible dorms. So I moved in with her and her boyfriend. Little did I know- they were having relationship trouble already. (not sure why they even agreed to let me move in the first place). So they broke up without me knowing. When I find out I try to stay calm. I say to her (because I felt sorry for her. It was a 4 year relationship and he pretty much owns everything)- lets go sign a lease together.
So we did.
Well I come to find out she's been sleeping with a different guy every might and drinking crazily- doing some other illegal things. She will disappear in the middle of night and show up the next afternoon and repeat. I really don't care about her personal life but she even started to admit "Well once we move out I can have anyone over and do what I want." I was like "Wait...uh no!"
By that she means, she's going to bring random guys home from the bar to sleep with them. Do drugs, and cause even more drama. I told her she's going to get herself hurt and she should listen to me now. I keep trying to talk to her. I keep trying to make her face reality...It goes straight over her head. Then if my niceness goes away and start saying “I DO NOT WANT A LOVE TRIANGLE TAKING PLACE IN MY APARTMENT.” I mean the people she was sleeping with are people with girlfriends or works with her best friend.
In conclusion, I don't want to live with her. I want to take her name off the lease and I'll try and find a more suitable roommate, someone less whoreish. We didn't move in yet. We move in June 6th and she didn't have a job at the time so I'm the main person on the lease. It was all based off my income and credit and I paid the full deposit- meaning the only thing she did was sign her name.
What should I do? Deal with her whore atttitude or deal with the leasing office?
You will have to deal with her attitude to get her off of the lease. The leasing office will likely have no problem exchanging her for another name, but they can't do it unless she asks to be removed...they can't terminate the contract they legally have with her, unless she agrees to it.
So you'll need to find a good reason to tell her you don't want to live with her. I might find a more diplomatic way to go on about that, rather than calling her a whore. But hey, if that works for you...then by all means...
Why you would ever sign a lease with an unstable person with no job is beyond me. You don't seem very practical.
Go IMMEDIATELY to the landlord and inform them you are NOT taking the place. Return all keys and be prepared to forfeit the deposit and the first months rent. It's a good deal for both you and the landlord.
Her whorish life will result in drug use in your place (and yes, you would be arrested, too), the scum she brings home could rape and/or rob you, she or her guests could trash the place and you would be on the hook for 100% of the damages, she could simply move guys in semi-permanently and you'd have to feed them and clean up after them...
How hard is to kick someone off a lease if you haven't moved in yet?
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