Doing a project for Business Computer Applications.I know because of bad credit but What Else.
They are lending
But only to those who are credit worthy.
Also, they are picking and choosing what to lend on. Perhaps your project just doesn't rank up there in their hierarchy of lending.
Do you really mean: why won't a bank lend money to a particular individual or why are banks reluctant to lend money in this particular economic condition? For now, I am going to assume the 1st interpretation.
Banks won't lend money to an individual if:
1. The prospect of getting the money back (plus interest) is not good:
1.1 To start a risky business.
1.2 The borrower does not seem to have adequate sources of disposable income. If a person does not get a regular pay check or all of his pay goes towards his living expenses, he won't be able to make any payment.
1.3 The borower does not already have enough assets to back up the loan. Banks are willing to lend some money to retirees if they have assets to back up the loan.
1.4 The borrower seems unreliable. For example if the individual has poor credit history or has criminal history.
1.5 My speculation: The borrower fits into unfavorable statistical profile. For example: high mortality probability: has a residence in Afghanistan, is 120 year old, etc.
2. The bank has better use for the cash:
2.1 Other borrowers seem to be more reliable
2.2 Other borrowers are willing to pay higher interest
Good luck creating your model.
they r lending see
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