I live in an apartment with my boyfriend and his brother. His brother (Don) has a 8 month pregnant girlfriend that is constantly at our house. Our landlord wants her to leave because she broke into our neighbors old house a few years back and stole everything in it. This girl has like 25 criminal cases on her record and she obviously isnt allowed to be here. Yesterday we got an eviction warning saying that she could not be here at all or we're all going to get evicted and what does his brother do a few hours later? goes and picks her up! We have explained to him several times that she cannot be here because we are not going to get evicted because of her, but he is not listening and continuing to go against the landlords word and ours. I dont know how to get her out shes going to prison in a few weeks but we dont have that much time to get her to leave. How can I make her leave? If i call the sheriff dept would they remove her from my house since I dont want her there and Im the leaseholder? please help i want to keep my home!
You need to call the police. Tell them you do not want her at your apartment and ban her from your apartment. The landlord needs to also ban her from the complex. Having a criminal at your apartment is a vilation of your lease and you are going to lose your home if you don't put your foot down and stand your ground.You ban her and if she comes back call the police again and they will arrest her.
You are going to have to be tough and stand behind what you say.It may make people mad at you but who really cares? it's better than ending up with no place to live over some criminal
Two Words. Restraining Order. A restraining order is allowed when anyone is threatning your life, your health, or your well being. This can be extended to your home as well.
Get a Restraining order and if she shows up call the police. then your landlord will not be able to evict you because you show that you made every effort to not have her at your home.
Good luck and hope this helps
No, if she has been there more then 2 weeks you can't simply call the police, you need to evict through legal means, and as it is not your house the landlord has to do it. It sounds like he is working on it.
call sheriff and have her arrested for trespassing (show officers the eviction notice and the reason behind it)..."make sure you warn her first"..hopefully your bf will back you..This is not a good situation...
Since the problem isn't jsut her but the brother as well who won't listen. i say pack his stuff put it outside and change the locks.
restraining order, call the coppas and bust her.
Why do you open the door and allow them to enter the house. Once they knock on your door tell them no they are not allowed in your home and failure on their part to leave you will call the police.
Then do as the other poster said, go to the local court and get a restraining order against your brother and her.
If your boyfriend can not stand up to his brother then you might have to find a place to live alone as it appears as if he allows his brother to enter his place anytime his brother appears.
I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.
Is your boyfriend's brother on the lease? If he is there really isn't anything you can do. If the lease doesn't specifically state that only the three of you can live there then there isn't anything the landlord can do either. I would suggest you just get your own place w/o the boyfriend's brother and the problems should end. Notice I said you, not you and your boyfriend. This problem is due to your boyfriend. If he cared about this at all he would have made sure his brother didn't pick her up or allow her there. He doesn't care that you are getting kicked out. Find someone new and move in with them when you get married.
Help me get someone out of my house!?
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