So I'm 16, and today I got my first part time job!
It's at a vet hospital (the same place i have been doing my high school coop program with for the past 5 months) and i will be doing the same things as i was while doing my coop + the new tasks of working back in the boarding (feeding animals, giving medications etc)
i'm VERY nervous.
i start training on tuesday (just shadowing the head boarding staff, and learning what she does every morning, since that will be my new job)
i'm afraid to mess up. i take criticism even if constructive, very harshly.
congratulations :-) Being nervous is normal and good! If you weren't nervous, you would be in a bad spot! Just remember, training is training- EVERYONE has to be trained to do just about anything or everything. Remember learning how to drive a car?? You were scared and nervous, but once you get the hang of it, you are a pro :-) You made mistakes, but you learned from them and moved on...right?
Don't be afraid to mess up- most likely you WILL make mistakes, but my advice is to not lie about making a mistake- use it as a correction tool and MOVE ON! Every mistake you will make most likely has already been made by 3 other people. Do not be afraid to ask might feel like you are a bother, but the people you are working for will be impressed with all the questions you ask because it means you want to do the job right.
Every new job I had is a new experience- more advice is to NEVER EVER talk about how much money you make to others, don't gossip, turn your phone off or on vibrate, arrive 10-15mins early, and ALWAYS eat your lunch/dinner! Being nervous sucks, but it's good you are nervous :-)
I hope everything goes well!!!! Stay positive and true to yourself :-) Constructive criticism is a tool to make you better- please don't take it harshly as a personal attack. Nobody is perfect so correction is needed.
if you mess up don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. only worry if you kill an animal (which you obviously wont). just have fun. since youve been doing this for a while, then you should get the hang of the new things pretty quickly. don't worry because once you start you'll wonder why you were so worried. good luck!
First part time job advice?
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