Quick poll: Would you be in favor of a global, standard workweek of 10 hours at $20.00 per hour minimum?

Is there any way we could arrange the world that way? How could we? Why couldn't we? Since the global economy seems to be due for an overhaul, if not a complete scrap and rebuild, I just thought I'd ask.
if you'll be happy with $200 a week -- go for it.

as for me -- I want to make more than that, so I'll either work more or work smarter.

now, why would you want to take away someone else's right to work for $10 an hour if that's all the work they can find?
it's kind of interesting, it depends how many hours a week are wasted in the united states. it is a lot, and it's probably more than the statistics show. but what about in china india where the actual work is done, and they work 50-60 hours a week to produce for very little. so there would be way less supply, plus the costs would be much higher. the end result is everything would cost a lot more. there would be a lot of inflation. it would be interesting, what would nike do, take a hit on their profit margins on their shoes, or jack up the price to the moon so no one could afford it? People who were making $20/hour would demand a lot more. they will want to maintain their lifestyle. so if they are now making $200 a week while prices are going through the roof everyone would be poor. Rising wages is a major cause of inflation. this is why economics is a dismal science, everything that seems good is bad everything that seems bad is good.
No thank you.