How can i get off work?

I asked my boss to give me a week off in July but she wont let me becuase other people have booked in since last year which is unfair and she said no and i dont see why she wont let me even have the weekend off that week because i only work weekends.

my parents said if she doesnt let me off i will have to quit or phone in sick the weekend im on holiday which is risky since i live across the road.

I dont want to quit because its hard enough finding another job for a part-time basis but i do want to go on holiday with my family over summer.

Any ideas what i should do?
Well your boss is right, and your boss is wrong. It's totally fair to let the people that asked for time off last year have the time off, since you were the last to ask for time off you have the least amount of ability to get it.

Your boss is wrong because it's not right to make assumptions about your parents and then state them to your face.

You need to decide what is more important, your holiday or your job. Because this is a no win situation.
Your boss is not being unfair. Other people booked their time off before you. It's not her fault that you waited too long before requesting time off.

Just because your colleagues are not going away on holiday does not mean that they should switch with you. You are the one being stubborn and selfish

You can try asking your boss again when she's in a good mood.
tell your boss to take their job and shove it you don,t want to work there no more have your holiday with mum and dad then look for something new when you come home . don,t say there's no work you will always find work if you want to ...... enjoy your holiday.
Say you have done in your leg. Cause my Boyfriend and I wanted to go on holiday and I have had leg problems so I said I had to go to a physio lodge in where ever you want to go.
Hope that Helped
Tell your boss that u have to go to a funeral, idc how cruel she is, she'll have to let u off that weekend.
swap shifts with other work colleagues :) good luck
Your bosses main concern is managing her business and protecting the long term employment of all her employees she cannot do that if a lot of the team are on holiday - so she is right to refuse you holidays given the circumstances.

Additionally it does not matter if your work colleagues are not going on holiday they may have family arrangements that require them to not work that weekend - why does that make them selfish or stubborn. It makes you selfish thinking that your holiday is more important than there's.

I would imagine that as your parents are self employed they would not like an employee of there's (if they have any) to behave in the way that they are suggesting you do.

Frankly I dont think you are mature enough to work and take on the responsibilities that it entails.
well you boss has a point I think you're being really childish about it too. if you booked a week off one year in advance and some comes along and asks if she can go on vacation the same week as you wanted, but one one person could go on vacation per week, obviously it's unfair if they were to ask them to switch it with you. I think you would be selfish with that week you choose to have off for a vacation as well. if you've been working for a year and you asked for a vacation you're obviously going to look forward to a week of not going to work, even if you're not going anywhere fancy.

the options you have is to try and find someone to cover those shifts you have over the weekend (if they want to work extra hours); call in sick; or quit.

and I think it's mean that your boss said that your parents think it's okay to take a holiday when they won't your boss doesn't even know if it's a fact.
It really depends on your contract, but I would say your boss is right in this instance. Statutorily, you would need to give at least three months notice to request specific holiday dates. Be careful if you have been employed for less than a year, you may find yourself out of a job. They don't have to give you a reason to fire you in this case, so don't give them one. Of course, you could phone in sick, but you should consider if you had made plans for that weekend and were seen out, your boss would see you as a liar. That is not good and would reflect in any references for the future. (And yes, they can tell your new employer about that, if it is the truth) Not only that, but they could fire you for that too. As for your colleagues, Its not a matter of being too stubborn or selfish, they have booked their time off, well in advance, irrespective of the fact they are not going anywhere. In employment law, that is fair and contractually correct. The long and short of it is, you want to keep your job, then you will have to work the weekend. Sorry.
just talk to your boss and say you will make the time up