My electricity bill is high! Please Help!!! Very appreciated! Best answer will get 10 points!?

Our electricity bill is high. What are some ways to save electricity other than turning off lights and buying expensive things.

Thank You for your help!
1. Unplug all your gadgets when not in use because gadgets like your cellphone charger, computer, and microwave sucks energy and generate heats. So unplugging them will prevent this.

2. Change your light bulbs from incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescent. Compacted fluorescent use 75% less Energy and they generate 70% less heat than the conventional bulbs.

3. If you and your family are busy and usually not home during the morning to early evening, then do consider calling your electric company and ask if they have "time-of-use" plans. These plans can lower rates for energy consumption during mid evening to early morning hours, but you will pay more during other time (so do consider your schedule before signing up).

4. Ask your utility about fixed-bill plans, which charge the same amount every month for a set period, regardless of your electricity use. You'll pay a premium rate per kilowatt hour to hedge against price increases and seasonal spikes, so make sure to crunch the numbers against your total 2008 energy bills to see if you'll really save. Also, keep in mind that these plans periodically reconcile, which can leave you with a big bill if you've used more than the supplier anticipated.
The newer energy saving bulbs really do last for years and you will actually see a decrease in your light bill. They are well worth the initial investment.
Run dishwashers only when totally full and then only late at night when the demand for energy is lower and therefore cheaper. Same with washer and electric dryers. Use cold washes on all fabrics and turn down your hot water heater if it is electric. Know what you want from the fridge and don't leave it gaping open for long periods while you wish something appetizing to materalize. Turn off computers when not in use. Flip the switch on your surge protector as well. Unplug devices that are not in use. Even the microwave, coffee maker, and similar small appliances, including cell phone chargers which a lot of people leave plugged in to keep up with them. Resetting the clocks on small appliances named may be a pain, but you can just use clocks to keep up with the time instead. Keep central air at a level of comfort, not a temperature conducive to hanging meat like most people do. Keep shades and blinds drawn in the daytime to eliminate temperature increases from the sunlight.
These measures should significantly lower your bills.

Some companies also offer year round payment plans that spread out monthly costs. Lower your bills by the steps I mentioned first so the average of meter readings they will base your plan on will be lower. This may take a year to accomplish.
This is the best way seriously it has been on Opera and all those shows. Dont just turn your lights off switch off TV's Radios Computers Toaster etc. of at the switch on the wall and even unplug them. A lady in a America saved $200 on her electricity bill so yeah thats how I do it and it works.
Bills run high when using air conditioners or running electrical appliances with heating elements .

Buy the Kill a Watt ( $22 at Amazon )

Then plug each of your appliances into it to see how much they are sucking up .

You will find some vacuums , hair dryers and other items use a lot as do electric dryers .

If you cannot get a gas dryer , dry more stuff on an outside line in the summer .

Unfortunately I had to use a vaporizer for awhile and that eats up a lot of electricity too especially since it runs a long time ,
Unlike a vacuum that might just run for 15 minutes .

good luck

If you want to save electricity, and not just do more work, try turning off appliances you're not using and yes, you will have to turn off lights in some rooms you're not using.
turn off your computer when your not using it (unplug it), also cut back on ac/heating, also, unplugging anything that you truley dont need in, like a toaster, or cell phone/game charger (these constantley waste energy)
Well, besides just turning off lights, try and cut down on lights. Buy some nice candles. They provide light, ambiance, and they smell nice.
Just call your electric co and ask if you can get on a budget.
Turn A/C down at night wash After 7:00 pm try to use fans disconnect all chargers when not using .....
use energy saving bulbs

use washer and drying during non business hrs