There is an ad on Craigslist that I would like to apply for but it's a blind email address. I would like to know how to find out who the company is before I send my resume to them. Can you tell me any acceptable way to do this without hurting my chances if it is a company I want to work for?
I live in a smaller town and there are only a few employers that I am highly qualified to work for. I want to make sure It's a reputable place before I send my resume over. I would love any advice on how I could word an initial email to them without giving myself away so I can find out who they are. I have 3 email addresses so I would use one for the initial email and a different one for my actual resume. But, would they respond? Would you? I was thinking of wording it asking if it is full time or part time and what company they are??
Thank you!!!!!
By all means, if you have concerns, send an email using one of your addresses. Simply ask what you have it a full time position and it is reasonable to ask what the company is. You'll want to know where they are located as that could make difference if the commute is far. I would obviously answer this as a HR person. If you don't get an answer then it isn't a legitimate company.
PLEASE HELP! Bosses, Human Resource Admins: Need your advice! 10 POINTS!!!?
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