I am taking Microbiology this summer. I was just curious to see what people thought about the course that have already taken it. Would you say that Microbiology was easier, as hard, or harder than Anatomy and Physiology? What were labs like? What advice do you have? What was your favourite thing to learn about. Any info on the course at all would be a great read. Thanks!
I loved it! As Jill indicated, most people either love or hate microbiology. What's great about it is the diversity within the field (i.e., bacteriology, mycology [fungi], mycobacteriology, parasitology, virology, etc.)
Most people find the labs interesting regardless of rather or not they enjoyed the lectures. Microbiology almost has a language of its own so the lectures will exposure you to a lot of new terminology. If you excel in biology and have a good memory for technical and medical terminology, then you should do fairly well. I would say the difficulty level is roughly equal to anatomy and physiology.
It is a truely fascinating experience learning how complex the simplest life forms actually are. In fact, I changed my major to microbiology after completing my first course, and now I make a living using this knowledge.
I really enjoyed it, maily because of lab. It's fun to grow colonies and test antibiotics. But, it's probably harder than anatomy and physiology. Those are more physical. For example, you can look at muscles on a cadaver and memorize them, where you had to picture a lot of micro in your head and understand concepts. They're both very different, but interesting. My advice is to study your labs ahead of time. It's so much easier and faster when you know what you're doing.
I enjoyed it, but I enjoyed all things biology, and I had a great instructor who made the class a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed the lab work, using the microscopes, doing gram staining, growing cultures of bacteria and doing experiements on restricting bacterial growth, the DNA gel electropheresis, etc. Some people really hate micro. There's no telling what your experience will be like.
It's comparable in the workload to regular biology or A&P.
didnt like it at all. its just another science class that i wasnt a fan of. i took it in the summer too so it was only 5 weeks long but 5 days a week. in lab you get to grow a lot of things in the petree dish and stain a lot of things. you also see which antibiotics kill which bacteria. lab is more interesting than the class of course. well good luck to you
For me, it was my favorite class! I found it very interesting. I would say though, it will be tough in the summer. It takes the same amount of study commitment as Anatomy and Physiology. I didn't think it was hard, just required a lot of studying.
What was microbiology like?
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