Just worked back to back 20+ hour work days, wtf?

Of course I'm payed salary, and looking through other questions it seems I'm out of luck. Thursday morning, I left for work at 4 a.m., and drove 2 hours to the job. When I got there I worked from 6 a.m. until 330 pm, when my boss finally gave me a lunch break. Started working again from 4 pm until around 130 a.m. with no other breaks what so ever. As I was leaving for my 2 hour drive home, my boss told me to be back at 630 a.m. So I got home at 330, slept for 45 minutes, drove 2 hours back to work and did the same thing again. I nearly died while falling asleep at the wheel about 15 times on my way home saturday morning at 2.a.m. I literally just worked 40 hours in 2 days, with a grand total of 1 hour lunch break between the 2 days. Is this seriously legal just because I'm on salary? Did I sign my soul to the devil or what!? I live in california, and work in the fumigation buisness.
your commute time is irrelevant to the legal issues...........

California requires overtime of time & half after 8 hours and double time after 12. being on salary does not make you exempt from overtime only the duties of the job determine the exempt status.

the number of hours you worked are legal for most jobs, there are some exemptions, as long as the appropriate overtime has been paid.

California has very strict laws concerning breaks and being on salary does not exempt you from those break laws.
your employer can be hit with significant fines for these violations.

yes it is legal to require you to work these hours as long as you have had all appropriate breaks and have been paid appropriately for the time worked.
Right, the question you should be asking yourself is, not is this legal but should i have got in my car after working the amount of hours you did.

Driving whilst tired is as bad as drink driving, people die on the roads because of drivers who fall asleep at the wheel.

I'm not saying this to sound nasty but if this happens in future, DONT get behind the wheel and drive, very very dangerous
Paid salary doesn't mean you are exempt and don't have to be paid overtime pay. By federal law, you aren't exempt unless you are a manager or a highly paid professional (fed laws specify just what that means). CA law is stricter on OT pay than the feds.

Your 4 hour round trip commute is your own problem. But those work hours are ridiculous although not illegal if you are properly paid for them.
Staying t home was really important to me so I did a lot of research to find out legit companies that will pay you to work at home. I have them listed on my blog. http://howimakemoneyathome.notlong.com
I suggest you do some research (there are laws on working hours and breaks etc) or talk to your boss. I'm assuming the circumstances of working this many hours were unusual (this isn't a regular occurance, if it is i suggest you start looking for another job). Does your boss know you have a 2 hour commute? Try talking to your boss and fixing regular hours, you can't be that desperate for the money you need to work that much.

You should never ever drive when that tired - your lucky you didn't kill yourself.