Why do we say, "Money isn't everything," when, in reality, money is all that seems to concern today's society?

I think the people who don't have the money say it because they hope it's true, and the people who do have the money say it because they know it's true.
Money isn't even the first thing of importance, never mind everything. Of course, some people never figure that out. I feel sorry for them.

But you definitely need money, and it definitely serves a use. And having more is often better than having less, depending on what you have to give up to get it. And you definitely have to give up something.

Even money costs something.
because money cannot buy happiness nor health nor love. Many very wealthy people get terminal painful diseases that they would give all their worldly goods to cure but cannot. look at how much heartbreak the Kennedy family has suffered between cancer and deaths. The money means nothing compared to what they have lost.
Because that quote was made when people relied on food which was made when people had to gather their own food. That quote was made up over 300 years ago. In today's society we need money for food so that quote shouldn't exist.
that's all we have you can't fulfill your needs without it Shelter,& food just think of it as Darwinism gone captialist