Do any of the following people own stocks in GE?

William J Brennan
Potter stewart
Byron white
Thurgood marshall
warren e burger
harry blackmun
lewis f powell jr
william rehnquist
john paul stevens

General Electric is one of the largest companies in the world with 10 billion shares.

The largest shareholder (Barclays) only has 4% of the company.

Excluding everybody without $15.00 USD in their brokerage accounts. That leaves us still with several billion shareholders.

I say there is a very good chance they own stocks in GE. (Almost everybody in the world owns GE, including babies when their parents move a few of theirs GE shares to their newly created college funds for their babies)

How many do you own?

$15.00 USD is not too much money. Open a brokerage account at Zecco (Or any other broker) today.

Stock ownership is usually a private matter, unless one is a director of a public company.

How could anyone here possibly know? Most of the people you list are deceased.