Forgot to waive health insurance... help!?

I am a college student in my first year. I get about 100 spam emails a day, so I don't read my student emails unless they are from a professor.

Anyways I got a health insurance card today from Aetna (along with a bill for $473) because I did not waive my health insurance by the "deadline" Even though I am fully covered medical and dental under my parents.

I called Aetna on the phone and told them I am covered and they basically said to bad. I went to the school and they said the same thing. Is there anyway they can make me pay the bill?

That's not done via email. That's one of the little "gotchas" that the schools charge you for. It would have been in your registration paperwork.

Health insurance thru whom/what? The school? In other words, you are automatically enrolled unless you opt out? In that case, you may be stuck - speak to the school office that handles the insurance plan. If you are covered under your parents' plan, that could be a valid reason to opt out.