I got 3 diffrent credit scores?

627, 634 and 666. I want to buy a house in the beginning of next year. Is this enough credit? How can I bring my score up? I've just recently started to put things in my name... Only for a year or maybe a year 1/2 Ive been paying all bills on time. I on my credit cards (3) I even pay more than the minimum payment sometimes 100.00 extra. Anything else I can do? I have 3 cc and my cell phone in my name. Should I do anything else?

Your credit history is quite short - that's why your scores aren't higher. Just keep paying all your credit accounts on time and keep your actual-to-available debt ratio below 25%. Do not open any more accounts. "Great" credit requires a lengthy credit history.

The credit score is looking at your available credit to total credit limit. If you are above 20% it is harming your score. Above 50% it is really hurting and if maxed out(above 90%) it is killing your score. Pays these cards down below 20% before you apply for a loan. Keep paying your bills on time. If you do this your scores should come up quite a bit.

You will have a hard time getting a loan with those scores unless you have a really big down payment, stable employment and a good debt to income ratio.

Stay away from scammy 'credit repair' scams (see link below)

ManageMyScore.com may be something of use for you.

ManageMyScore will start with your credit report and enable you to see the impact of anything you might try to do (open new accounts, pay off other debt, close accounts, transfer balances between accounts, etc). This will enable you to determine the best course of action based on your goals for your credit score. And it’s truly personalized to YOUR credit situation, which will have much different drivers than someone else’s.

The online service is under $30, and discount code “Yahoo113025D” will take 25% off until November 30. That’s probably the best place to start for you. Improving your credit score will not only ensure you get approved for a loan...it'll also qualify you for better rates on the loan you get.

creditreport.imess.net - try this service to boost you credit score before getting loan. After credit repair you can get the loan with minimal interest rate.