I'm collecting unemployment and working at the same time...what happens?

I am collecting Unemployment and working at the same time. I need to do this in order to support my family and rent, I know you are not allowed to do it this way. EDD has scheduled a phone interview for tomorrow. I spoke with an EDD guy today and they said it was regarding not reporting wages, which obviously is from me working and collecting. Has anyone had a similar situation, if so what's the best bet? If I didn't need this to support my family and I was single I would just cancel the EDD but I need everything I can get. If I say I'm not working is that best? Please help asap thank you Ray..

Unemployment is for unemployed people only(thus the name).

You are required to report any wages you make while receiving this benefit. I do see your point because unemployment is so little and not nearly enough to survive off of. BUT if you are working outside of the guidelines and not reporting the income, you are commiting fraud.

EDIT: I agree with the 2 posts above mine. You will probably have to pay it back plus some fines and fees.

Deciding to cancel the future EDD benefits would not resolve this. If you collected for any week during which you worked and did not report the income for that week, then you must repay the benefit that you received for that week. In additional, there can be fines, penalties, or even criminal charges, possibly leading to arrest and incarceration. You need a lawyer.

I agree with others, you will probably made legally to pay back unemployment money received while workin + penalties, fines,ect. you'll be lucky if u don't get jail time from this. Legally you can be prosecuted for fraud.You screwed up big time and no excuse u have will justify it to the govornment.Technically you stole from the cuz its misuse of state funds.

The EDD will find out that you worked while collecting unemployment benefits. Employers file a quarterly report stating who worked and how much they made during the quarter. If you are listed as employed, the EDD will likely send a form to your employer to find our which weeks you worked.

I hope this helps.

The department will sue you, after which you will be required to repay the money you fraudulently collected, plus a hefty fine, either through a court-mandated payment or a wage garnishment. If the fraud is large enough, there will also be a stretch in jail involved.

The good news is that while you're in jail, your family will be taken care of by welfare, food stamps, and state medical.

Having a need does NOT justify doing something that is both legally and morally wrong. If I NEED a car, can I steal yours??

I would imagine that the government is going to take legal action against you to force you to repay the unemployment money you received while working. There will most likely be extra penalties & fines. You screwed up.

your reason is not good enough. you are not entitled to unemployment if working. you will need to repay it all.

this is not going to end pretty.

this is fraud and the state will finally find your overlapping income

You've lied already, apparently been caught, and now you want to try to lie again? Not a good idea . If you 'fess up, and claim you somehow misunderstood the rules, you'll probably only have to pay back what you got illegally. If you try to lie your way out of it, you'll still have to pay the money back but could also end up being prosecuted. That wouldn't help your family a lot.

Have you been out robbing gas stations because you need the money to support your family? And before you say "of course not" - how would that be different from stealing from the state unemployment fund?