First Time Home Buyer Credit Application Question?

What all do I need to include on the 1040X to get my $8k credit as a first time home buyer?

Is there someone I can call for help. Just want to make sure it's filled out properly...Thanks!

You'll need to fill out Form 5405 to go with the 1040X - you can find it at Or you can wait and claim the credit when you file your 2009 taxes.

As for who to call for help... I know several H&R Block offices are up and running already. Other tax offices and professionals might be. And the IRS has a toll-free help line: 1-800-829-1040, M-F, 7a-10p local time.

Hope that helps! :-)

Start by filling out the 5405. Determine if you are eligible and the amount.

Then do the 1040X, starting at line 10. Complete lines 10-23 and the explanation on the back.

Include a copy of your closing papers, sign, mail and wait 16 weeks before calling.

quite frankly, I would not bother with the amendment, file your 2009 1040 and 5405 as normal as soon as you can in 2010
the amendments are taking ever so long because there is way too much fraud and IRS is taking time to examine them more closely