How do you survive on the dole in the UK?

How do people live off the dole in the UK? I read that the adult rate (over 25) of unemployment benefits payment is only £60.50 per week which seems very meagre!
In Australia the basic adult rate (over 21) is $228 per week which is £127 per week and most renters also get around $40 per week (£22) housing assistance.
That's almost impossible to survive on here though, so how do you guys in the UK live off half that much especially with prices in the UK being 2-3 times as much in Australia? Do you get extra benefits or high rates of housing assistance or something? Cheers.

hi interesting question i think u will find that the rate of housing benefit is higher here the £60 is just for food, expenses, utitilities, the rent and counciil tax is generally taken care of by the housing benefit and the amount received is dependent on the size of the family. in addition to the £60 weekly the person will receive free prescriptions, glasses, dentist treatment, refund of travel costs for hospital appointments, help with finding a job, free school meals for children, a discount on their electricity/gas with some suppliers. hope this helps.

The long term 'dolies' are not on unemployment benefit. Most typically claim incapacity benefit, housing benefit, council tax benefit, child tax credit and a host of other allowances. There is also the free dentistry, free healthcare and free prescriptions.

Furthermore, we have disability living allowance which can be up to £1200 per month.

If you can get into the system it is a bloody good life. There are also a percentage who supplement their 'meagre' income with thievery.

There are of course many people who really are poor, but these are mainly the habitual drug user fraternity.

All of these answers are fine if you rent your home - however if you own a property and, say, are made redundant, you get no help with your mortgage if you have a certain level of equity in your home ... even though it is impossible to sell any properties in the UK right now. Basically, if you have worked for years and are really deserving of the (temporary) help whilst you find a new job you get sweet f.a. Whereas if you work the system you can get a comfortable life.

Everyone is an individual when they are on the dole

My husband, 53 was made redundant in October last year and all he got was the basic JSA, however I work full time, and we were able to apply for working tax credits and child tax credits for our two sons

We basically lived off savings

Others in council housing will get housing benefit, and maybe other benefits like council tax rebate etc
Its not easy,

I think you are entitled to about 90 quid a week housing benefits if you claim full job seekers allowance and then tax credits and things like that as well. It still doesn't work out at a lot though.
