Would a Franchise of Wendy's have a good chance of being successful?

If it targeted people in search of healthy food and general wellness?

I am in Chile, and am researching this for a university project. Thank you.

They already cater to the health-conscious crowd. Besides the usual burgers, fries, and Frosty's, they offer healthy choices as well, including Ultimate Chicken Grill with a side salad and fat-free french dressing, Junior Hamburger Deluxe without mayonnaise with a side salad and fat-free dressing, large chili with a side salad, and fat-free dressing, and plain baked potato and a small chili.

Needless to say, they're an extremely successful franchise.

Dear Super,

People searching for health food and promoting general wellness do not associate WENDY's. These are not a terrific crowd seeking fast food.

If investing in a U.S. franchise, I would buy a Subway Submarine Sandwich franchise and advise my staff that the sandwiches are healthiest without mayo, oils or fattening additions.